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ME507 Term Project - Special Touch


Special touch is a MIDI controller, designed with the intention of providing inspiration for the user through an unconventional interface. Some of the controls can be controlled by the operator (keys, buttons, knobs, sliders, etc.), and some cannot be (thermometer, microphone, etc). These features allow for a more organic, improvisational approach to the normally composed genre of electronic music.

The keys are laid out in a circle of fifths to encourage less standard chord structures and modulation. This layout also serves to keep the unit fresh and interesting to interact with, when compared with the standard piano layout.

MIDI Driver

The MIDI driver class allows us to manage sending MIDI messages in a simple and low-latency way. More details can be found here: midi

Touchpad Driver

The touchpad driver class allows us to augment the limited functionality of the HAL's capacitive touch library to tailor it to our purpose. More details can be found here: touchpads