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stm32f3xx_hal_dma.c File Reference

DMA HAL module driver. More...

#include "stm32f3xx_hal.h"

Detailed Description

DMA HAL module driver.

MCD Application Team
    This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
    functionalities of the Direct Memory Access (DMA) peripheral:
      + Initialization and de-initialization functions
      + IO operation functions
      + Peripheral State and errors functions
                      ##### How to use this driver #####
 (#) Enable and configure the peripheral to be connected to the DMA Channel
     (except for internal SRAM / FLASH memories: no initialization is 
     necessary). Please refer to Reference manual for connection between peripherals
     and DMA requests .

 (#) For a given Channel, program the required configuration through the following parameters:   
     Transfer Direction, Source and Destination data formats, 
     Circular or Normal mode, Channel Priority level, Source and Destination Increment mode, 
     using HAL_DMA_Init() function.

 (#) Use HAL_DMA_GetState() function to return the DMA state and HAL_DMA_GetError() in case of error 
 (#) Use HAL_DMA_Abort() function to abort the current transfer
   -@-   In Memory-to-Memory transfer mode, Circular mode is not allowed.
   *** Polling mode IO operation ***
    (+) Use HAL_DMA_Start() to start DMA transfer after the configuration of Source 
        address and destination address and the Length of data to be transferred
    (+) Use HAL_DMA_PollForTransfer() to poll for the end of current transfer, in this  
        case a fixed Timeout can be configured by User depending from his application.

   *** Interrupt mode IO operation ***    
    (+) Configure the DMA interrupt priority using HAL_NVIC_SetPriority()
    (+) Enable the DMA IRQ handler using HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ() 
    (+) Use HAL_DMA_Start_IT() to start DMA transfer after the configuration of  
        Source address and destination address and the Length of data to be transferred. 
        In this case the DMA interrupt is configured 
    (+) Use HAL_DMA_Channel_IRQHandler() called under DMA_IRQHandler() Interrupt subroutine
    (+) At the end of data transfer HAL_DMA_IRQHandler() function is executed and user can 
        add his own function by customization of function pointer XferCpltCallback and 
        XferErrorCallback (i.e a member of DMA handle structure). 

   *** DMA HAL driver macros list ***
     Below the list of most used macros in DMA HAL driver.

    (@) You can refer to the DMA HAL driver header file for more useful macros  


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